About Me

Let me tell you a little bit about me...

My picture

What I've learned so far

After working at sea as a merchant navy officer for 15 years, in 2021 I have decided to move shoreside and into the world of tech. After initially working through some online corses in HTML, CSS and Python, I enrolled on to a coding bootcamp with Northcoders in Manchester. The Focus of the course was to develop relevant skills to work in industry.

The course was delivered in JavaScript and this is the language I am most familiar with, but I am keen to branch out into new languages in the future. I have also had the opportunity to work with React, React Native, Express and PSQL.

During the course I've become familiar with version control using Git/GitHub and CI/CD with live hositing on Heroku and Netlify.

Since completing the coding bootcamp I have taken a role as a Software Engineer with BAE Systems - Digital Intelligence.

Who is the dog?

This is Ruby. She likes dog treats, going for a walk in the hills, and playing with her ball.

As you can see, she is quite a photogenic dog which is why she is on the home page of my portfolio site. The picture on the home page was taken on top of Shuttlingsloe - a hill in the Peak District just outside of Macclesfield.

To see a virtual dog walk that Ruby recenltly enjoyed click below. This virtual tour was created using Google's Street View app to take the photospheres, these were then processed using the Marzipano tool to make the virtual tour.

Dog picture