Rob Crowther

full stack devloper

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My coding journey

In 2021 I decided to move ashore from working at sea and retrain as a Software Engineer. To help make this transition I enrolled in the three month coding boot camp with Northcoders in Manchester. Since November 2021 I have been working full time with BAE Systems Digital Intelligence as a Software Engineer. The coding boot camp with Northcoders was a great learning experience. These are some of the things I learned along the way…


The fundamentals section provided a solid foundation of best programming practices using test driven development, version control, pair programming and covering object-oriented programming and asynchronous functions in JavaScript.


The focus during the backend was using Express to build restful APIs and SQL to create databases while continuing good practices learned so far. Using Heroku for live hosting provided an insight to CI/CD.


I have built on my own knowledge of HTML and CSS to focus on UX. Beginning with DOM manipulation, then using the React framework I have learned to build responsive and accessible websites integrating backend APIs.

Project Phase

In the final weeks of the course all of this learning will be applied on a team project, designing and building an application from the ground up.

  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React
  • React Native

Take a look at some of my Projects

Follow the links below to see some of my projects.